About Seeds Of Faith
About Seeds Of Faith
Our Mission Our aim is to provide a safe haven where lives are changed through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, the teaching and preaching of the Word of God and in doing so, to please God (Romans 10:17). To inspire men and women to develop personal ministries through teaching and training. To enhance the lives of others through ministry, evangelism, discipleship and fellowship. To provide an atmosphere where marriages are repaired and restored. To assist families in stabilizing and building of a solid foundation based on the Word of God. To guide singles in their pursuit of a relationship with Christ. | |
History Of Seeds
In 1994, by Divine Guidance, Pastor King and his entire family moved to Seattle, Washington. For seven years they worked in ministry at the Garden of Gethsemane C.O.G.I.C. In January 2001, the Lord spoke to Pastor King and instructed him to begin preparations for the establishment of the promised ministry. Through the prayers of Pastor and Sister King began the journey to establish this "God-given ministry". Pastor King says that, "Trusting in God", holding on to faith and the encouragement of his wife and children, has allowed him to endure life's opposition and keep his head held high.
Our Vision
To seek ways to restore families back to where God intended for us to be. Repair broken relationships of the family unit. To develop an atmosphere where couples can come for the restoration of their failing and broken marriages. Provide a place where singles can be ministered to and receive spiritual and physical support in their singleness. |